About Chandelle Flying Club, Inc.

Chandelle Flying Club, Inc., is an incorporated not-for-profit club that was established for the flying pleasure of its Members (shareholders). The Bylaws limit Membership to a maximum of twenty (20) shareholders who own two airplanes, N31969 1978 Piper Archer II (PA-28-181) and N8165C 1976 Piper Warrior (PA-28-151). Both aircraft are IFR certified, and are based at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) and kept in hangars at Signature Flight Support.
JOIN THE CLUB! Become a Shareholder and part owner of Chandelle Flying Club. Fly less expensively than renting, get a new rating, become more proficient, meet like-minded aviators, get involved, learn more, eat those $100 (or is it $200 now?) hamburgers, have more aviation fun!

Club Events

(Be sure to see the Calendar of Events page)

Club Notes

ALL MEMBERS are required by our insurance carrier (Avemco Insurance Company) to be checked out in BOTH the Archer and the Warrior by a qualified CFI for the insurance to be effective when you fly. It is YOUR responsibility to satisfy this requirement so that you are covered by the Club's insurance policy. This policy can be viewed online at http://www.avemco.com/da2000.htm. If you have questions in this regard, please contact Jennifer Whitley.
Please take the time to download and read the material in FAA 60-22. Please take the time to do the self assessment in Chapter 2 (Hazardous Attitude Inventory) and grade the results. I know it may sound a little silly, but I think that is worth the time you will spend answering the questions. You just may find out something that you did not know about yourself. Thanks, Lloyd.
The online reference guide for the Archer's Apollo 618 Loran has been downloaded and is now available. Click the 618 link in the Archer's equipment list. (Thanks Lloyd!) (NOTE: You must have a PDF reader installed. If not, you can get one here.)
There was a very interesting article at the Aviation Seminars website. It talks about calculating takeoff performance, but failing to plan for something going wrong. You can visit the site and read the article here.